"Take three photos showing three out of the four following options: 1) Flat Space, 2) Limited Space, 3) Ambiguous Space, and/or 4) Contrast of Flat and Deep in one image. Each photo should clearly display one of the visual elements above. Do not re-use the elements."
Photo #1

For this photo, I decided to try and utilize flat space in a place that normal might be used for deep space. However, by using a longer lens, I was able to condense the space and hopefully was able to create that flat space. There are certainly leading lines with the handrail and where the steps meet the wall, but overall I think it turned out fairly flat.
Photo #2

For this photo, I decided to try and exercise deep space to build suspense. The tonal contrast between the dark tunnel and the bright exit, with the dark car infringing upon the bright space, I thought was a good contrast. I especially liked the red splash that's the brake lights cave to the image, that is otherwise relatively monochromatic. The only downside is the tunnel is a bit dark, and I think we lose some of that deep space because of it.
Photo #3

For this final example, I was attempting to create limited space within the image. I will say, if I am being honest, that I was not wholly successful with this approach. The wall in the right foreground was an attempt to create a frame within a frame, and I was hoping to be able to expose outside in order to create yet another plane. However, I wish that the right wall had more color or detail. In addition, the back window completely blew out oh, and I was unable to take an HDR picture because of the moving subjects. However, I still like the lighting on their faces, that gives them a nice edge light and some needed depth.